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Chillzips treatment for cannabis panic attacks.

Scientific Research

Cannabinoids & Kavalactones

Cannabinooids & Kavalactones

There are numerous common plants that contain compounds that are cannabinoid-like in function. The most well-known are Echinacea, black pepper, and chocolate. Chemicals in these plants have a positive effects on the human endocannabinoid system.

The endocannabinoid system, or ECS, is a network of cell receptors and corresponding molecules in humans and animals. The ECS is responsible for maintaining optimal balance in the body. This system has many functions, including regulation of sleep and appetite, immune function, mood, and pain.

The Kava plant (Piper methysticum) is known for its anti-anxiety and calming effects. Kava root has been used traditionally by Pacific island cultures who make a medicinal drink from the roots. The concoction is thought to provide sedative, pain relieving, and euphoric effects.

These effects are primarily produced by compounds called Kavalactones. One kavalactone in particular, yangonin, interacts with the CB1 receptor. This is the same binding place for THC and is most predominant in the central nervous system. This plays an important role when it comes to the anxiolytic effects of the plant.


Science and Medicine

Combined Effects


The combined effects of Cannabis and Kavalactones are wonderfully intriguing.  Correctly mixed plant medicine is a match made in heaven! Although marijuana is often used to relieve anxiety, people work with it as patients or for enjoyment DESPITE the fact that it can also give them anxiety.


Kava makes all of that anxiety disappear almost instantaneously!

Kava Plant

It’s incredible how effectively and efficiently kava acts as an anxiety eraser when working with cannabis. Plant medicine has opened new doors for people to completely eliminate their need for any pharmaceuticals altogether. 

For many people this is wonderfully exciting as the pleasant combination of Cannabis and Kava can naturally ease personal anxiety issues brought on by the demands of my work and life.

During interviews with medical marijuana patients in Oregon, as well as new recreational marijuana users in both Colorado and California State, there has yet to be a negative review of combining the powerful plant medicine of cannabis with the ancient sacred dietary supplement of kava. People who have reported the pleasurable effects of the combination have talked about a “sense of serene calmness and relaxation”, “walking on clouds” and “smiling all the time”.



Other Plants That Contain Healing Cannabinoids 


Reishi (Ganoderma lucidum) is an ancient tonic mushroom claimed to be the key to immortality, wisdom, enlightenment & spiritual growth. In China it was reserved only for emperors. It’s powers so revered it was forbidden for the modern citizen from consumption. It is considered the premier 'Shen' tonic in the Traditional Chinese system of Medicine, which translates into 'spirit'. Modern day research shows Reishi is extremely effective at reducing inflammation, protecting the body during serious illness such as cancer, improving mood, calming & clearing a racing or troubled mind, and protecting the adrenal glands from stress. Many of these effects could be attributed to one mechanism of action that Reishi possesses, that of activating the 'endo-cannabinoid' system.


Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) is an adaptogenic root. An adaptogen is a medicinal herb that helps your body react to stress. This root has been used in Indian Ayurvedic medicine and is growing in popularity in the West. Studies have shown that Ashwagandha has anti-anxiety and antidepressant properties. The herb was pitted against anti-anxiety medication lorazepam (Ativan) and antidepressant imipramine (Tofranil) in an animal trial. The research found that Ashwagandha exhibited anti-anxiety and antidepressant effects that are comparable to both drugs. This lead the study authors to conclude that Ashwagandha has potential as a mood stabilizer. Traditionally, the herb has been used to fight fatigue, lack of energy, and difficulties with concentration.



Passionflower (Passiflora incarnata) extracts is used as a remedy for stress and anxiety. A research paper published in 2011 found that passionflower increases levels of the neurotransmitter GABA. GABA is a calming neurotransmitter, and it works to quiet an overly excited brain. Benzodiazepine anxiety medications also work by increasing GABA levels. High doses of THC block GABA’s quieting abilities, so taking some soothing passionflower can help add a little calm back into your life.


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Our board guides the scientific direction of Chillzips™. Its members are leaders in science and technology, pioneering a better approach to health and wellbeing. We work together with a network of scientists, clinicians and health professionals who advise the team on research and development.

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Scientific Direction

We begin with the most compelling scientific literature available today related to proactive health and wellbeing. We stay current on clinical trials and additional research to translate this knowledge into potential products that can have the most positive impact on health.

Product Discovery

The company’s board members participate in various fields of study, including biochemistry and neuroscience. They also work in a variety of roles as clinicians and scientists. The scope of their expertise provides Chillzips™ with the resources to research and build excellent products.

Institutional Connections

All scientific discovery is predicated on years of accumulative research. Our board collaborates with top academic institutions that provide us with access to intellectual property and connections to top researchers. In this spirit we’re continually establishing partnerships to fulfill our mission of solving challenges in wellbeing and health.
